As a father I'll admit I don't fully understand the battle going on over at Facebook about the breastfeeding photos.
If you are not aware of the story. Some breast-feeding mothers, who have the support of many online followers, is protesting Facebook's removal of breast-feeding photos that reveal the nipple or areola.
The Palo Alto social networking site says that they are removing the photos to maintain a safe, secure and trusted environment. Because they are a private company, they can set the rules.
On Saturday, a group of about 30 mothers did a three-hour protest in front of Facebook's Palo Alto, Calif., headquarters. The mothers marched, chanted, and even nursed their children in a show of defiance. Though the "nurse-in" itself was a small gathering, more than 78,000 people have joined an online group called "Hey, Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene!"
Here is what I know and or believe;
1. It is legal for mothers to breastfeed their babies in most places in the US.
2. Breastfeeding is not obscene (this is my opinion).
3. Some woman want to be able to share pictures of themselves breastfeeding their babies.
Here is what I am confused about;
1. Why is there a need to share your photos on Facebook. You could just start your own blog, here on blogger.com for example. Then you don't have to worry about someone eleses rules.
2. Why do we still have the double standard for men and woman. Did we not just witness the mainstream media go crazy over photos of the president elect topless while on vacation. One news web site that I frequent even did an layout of past presidents going shirtless.
So what is the big deal here.
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